Parent Support
Parent Support
Developmental Milestones
Are you at a loss with what to expect and when with your child’s development? You have the list of things they should be doing, but no idea on how to support that skill? So many parents say “I didn’t know I was supposed to be doing that?” and feel lost. Little Stories is available to support development from 0-4, provide activities, strategies and things parents can actually do with their children to ensure they are on track.
How to Play
It’s been a while since any of us were children and playing with infants and toddlers can feel daunting, especially if they aren’t talking yet. It can be hard for some to let loose and be silly. It can feel more comfortable to be the director in play rather than a participator. Little Stories can help you find your inner child and show you ways to get silly. Children learn through play and it can be amazing to see what they come up with and how much more connected you can feel with them simply by playing.
Fostering Language
How do you get a kid to talk? How do they learn? Often we just assume they figure it out on their own. We tend to offer them a quiz, “what’s a duck say?”, “show me your shoes?”, “how old are you?” and quickly find ourselves out of questions and the conversation dies. Little Stories excels at providing language rich activities to support language and learning while guiding parents in promoting attachment between parents and their children. Attachment is the magic!
Where is that parenting handbook?
Every parent out there has had a moment of wishing for the handbook on parenting they expected with their birth of their child. With so much to know about development, it can feel impossible to know what to do in order to foster developmental milestones and provide enriching experiences for your child, and all while keeping up with the day to day stresses life has to offer. Wouldn’t it be great to have a go to source for activities and simple strategies you could incorporate into your day? Little Stories can offer you the support you need with a home visit or virtual visit. Through our conversation, we create a plan based on your questions and concerns and can meet as often as you would like. It’s that simple.
Parenting Groups
Are you a part of a parenting group, Mommy and Me group or have a bunch of friends/neighbors with small children? Little Stories can create custom tailored topics for your group from a formal presentation to an informal group activity. We can show you how to make play themes from a book, create learning activities, or simply provide guidance on development. Little Stories has over 15 years of experience in the birth-3 population, creating curriculum, preschool language lessons, language activities and supporting parents through the tantrums, understanding sensory and behaviors, preschool readiness, social skills, concerns with developmental delays, identifying red flags for autism, and more.
“This is the real secret of life—to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” ~ Alan W. Watts